The Site "sakkanimeshop.com" belongs to the company Sakkanime.
Sakkanime is a company created in September 2017.
The Site as well as any software necessarily used in connection with it may contain confidential information protected by the intellectual property law in force or any other law.
The Site is a work of the mind protected by French and international legislation in force on copyright and intellectual, literary and artistic property and other similar rights. All the elements composing it, such as, but not exclusively, the brands, models, logos, images, texts, sounds and other documents, are protected by intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of Sakkanime.
All the brands that are referenced on the Site are trademarks protected by registrations in the name of their respective owners. Thus, any distribution, copy, duplication, modification, transfer, representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the Site or of any of the elements that make it up, in any way and for any reason whatsoever, is expressly prohibited, as is their alteration. Failure to comply with this prohibition is likely to constitute an act of counterfeiting engaging the responsibility of its author.
It is also forbidden to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse the design or assembly or in any other way attempt to find the source code (except in cases provided for by law), sell, assign, sub-license or transfer in any way whatsoever any right relating to the Site.
Sakkanime can be brought to modify its legal notices. Sakkanime will make sure that users are informed of these modifications either by a special mention on the Site, or by a personalized warning in particular within the framework of the sending of newsletters.
Sakkanime is a company created in September 2017.
The Site as well as any software necessarily used in connection with it may contain confidential information protected by the intellectual property law in force or any other law.
The Site is a work of the mind protected by French and international legislation in force on copyright and intellectual, literary and artistic property and other similar rights. All the elements composing it, such as, but not exclusively, the brands, models, logos, images, texts, sounds and other documents, are protected by intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of Sakkanime.
All the brands that are referenced on the Site are trademarks protected by registrations in the name of their respective owners. Thus, any distribution, copy, duplication, modification, transfer, representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the Site or of any of the elements that make it up, in any way and for any reason whatsoever, is expressly prohibited, as is their alteration. Failure to comply with this prohibition is likely to constitute an act of counterfeiting engaging the responsibility of its author.
It is also forbidden to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse the design or assembly or in any other way attempt to find the source code (except in cases provided for by law), sell, assign, sub-license or transfer in any way whatsoever any right relating to the Site.
Sakkanime can be brought to modify its legal notices. Sakkanime will make sure that users are informed of these modifications either by a special mention on the Site, or by a personalized warning in particular within the framework of the sending of newsletters.